New Focus on Enterprise Data — An Overview

🤖 Robert
Loom Network
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2020

As mentioned in our previous article, we are pivoting Loom Network services away from under-capitalized dapp developers toward enterprise solutions for healthcare providers and government departments.

In the next few articles, we’ll be laying out our new plan for you. And this first post gives an overview of some of the use cases we’ll be focusing on.

It all begins with building out optimized services for healthcare providers and government departments in Thailand — to allow storage, secure access, sharing, and overall streamlining of clinical and administrative data.

Government departments and hospitals in Thailand are still very reliant on paper documents. And there are many types of documents that need to be physically transferred to the central government after being certified at hospitals, e.g. vendor billing docs.

This naturally comes with a host of downsides when handling sensitive information: security issues, transport issues, and risk of loss or damage — not to mention high costs, storage space requirements, and environmental damage.

In an effort to bring more speed, efficiency, and security to such document workflows, we aim to move many of these on-chain. Loom Network’s enterprise platform will provide custom document storage and management services that cater to various use cases in the healthcare and government sectors.

Accessible data means better care for patients.

There are certain types of private documents that must only be shared between specific hospitals and patients, meaning patients often have to physically bring their medical records from one hospital to another.

Example use case: Alice sees a specialist in one hospital to get a diagnosis for her medical condition, to which the specialist suggests a surgical procedure. Alice is not sure surgery is the best option, so she decides to get a second opinion from another specialist in a different hospital. Currently, she has to ask for a copy of her medical records from the first specialist and then bring those records to the second specialist. This process can be much simpler, faster, and more secure when hospitals use Loom Network’s enterprise platform. The first specialist can upload Alice’s records to our platform, and then Alice can authorize any number of other specialists to access her records.

Our platform will also support time-bound documents that can be stored for a limited duration, with the option of refreshing or extending a document’s lifetime if the data is still valid.

Example use case: Bob wants to apply for a bank loan. The bank asks Bob to provide a government document to prove he has no tax debt. Bob goes to the relevant government department to obtain the required document, and after spending an hour in the queue, he finally obtains the properly stamped and signed document. On the way back he gets into a car accident, spends a week in the hospital, and spends a few more weeks sorting out insurance and car repairs. Unfortunately, when Bob goes back to the bank a few weeks later to finish his loan application, the banker tells him the government document he obtained is now over 30 days old, and he’ll have to get a replacement document. Currently, Bob would have to make another trip to the government office, and waste more time queuing. However, using Loom Network, Bob doesn’t have to revisit the government office for a replacement. He only needs to put in a request through our platform for the document to be revalidated, and once the request is processed, he can return to the bank where they can directly access the document from our platform (with Bob’s permission).

These are just some of the document management services our platform will support. We will provide more details about the fees and their effect on tokenomics in a future article.

While our initial focus is on government and healthcare institutions in Thailand, we also expect our systems and services to find similar use cases in other regions around the world.

Loom Network is a distributed enterprise platform optimized for storing and streamlining healthcare and government data.

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