What’s new in Loomio 2.0 — part 2

Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2019

If you’ve seen our last article with Loomio’s new features, that was just the beginning! Here’s our latest batch of improvements and new tools.


Every part of Loomio’s layout has been carefully reworked. One new feature we want to highlight is our new timeline inside the threads: an easy way to find the information you need and understand how a conversation evolved over time.

Pinning items in the timeline

A crucial feature in the new timeline is the power to pin specific comments or decisions, showing all thread members where the most vital information is.

Thread “seen by” feature

In one click, you can now find out who read your threads and when.

Notification history

Like the new seen by feature, when you notify or invite specific people to threads or decisions you can now see if they’ve read it.

“Newest first” thread order

Long threads? Endless scrolling to find the latest comment? No more! Now you can choose to see the newest information at the top of the comment section.

Invitations to groups and subgroups, all in one place

If your organization is big on subgroups, this is for you: now you can invite new members to your organization and directly place them in the proper subgroups they’ll be working with. All in the same window.

Search revamp

Whether you’re searching for a thread, comment, or member, search has never been so powerful. Search can now highlight content from within threads and comments, even partial matches!

What’s coming next

More good news: we’re moving quick to meet other big needs we’ve heard…

  • mobile app
  • email your group to start a thread
  • real-time collaborative editing

What does this update mean for you?

Already using Loomio? You can switch to Loomio 2.0 here.

All current users will be progressively upgraded to Loomio 2.0, and we expect to finish this process by the end of the year.

Not on Loomio yet? Try it for free here.

Happy Collaborating,




We help groups get better outcomes from their conversations & decisions. Loomio is an open source, worker-owned social enterprise / co-op https://loomio.org