Loopring Bi-Weekly Update — 03/18/2018

Daniel Wang
Loopring Protocol
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2018

Loopring is a protocol for building decentralized token exchanges.



On Ethereum: We have deployed protocol v1.2 on top of Ethereum mainnet. Here are the addresses:

TokenRegistry: 0xa21c1f2AE7f721aE77b1204A4f0811c642638da
NameRegistry: 0x0f3Dce8560a6010DE119396af005552B7983b7e7
TokenTransferDelegate: 0xc787aE8D6560FB77B82F42CED8eD39f94961e304
LoopringProtocolImpl: 0xc80BbAb86cED62CF795619A357581FaF0cB46511

We have skipped version 1.1 and will have version 1.3 which is fully backward compatible with version 1.2. In version 1.2, Dual Authoring, our new anti-front running technology, has been implemented. We have also introduced a mechanism for wallets and ring-miners to register their own mining and fee recipient addresses to reduce the submitRing function call’s stack size. Version 1.2 release also includes several minor optimizations. It still doesn’t reward wallets yet, but version 1.3 will.

On Qtum: The Loopring Protocol Smart Contracts (LPSC) for Qtum will share the same codebase with Ethereum LPSC. We’ll deploy version 1.3, in parallel, on both Ethereum and Qtum mainnet soon.

On NEO: We have completed coding the LRN & LRN Airdrop smart contract. These two smart contracts are being tested on NEO testnet. We will perform more testing before we deploy them on the mainnet. In the meanwhile, we have also started developing NEO LPSC.

Help us review NEO smart contracts for LRN & LRN Airdrops. For valid bug findings, 100 to 5000 LRN will be reward to the first reporter. (1LRN = 1USD in our last private token sale). To report a bug, file an issue to our neo-protocol github repository. All LRN bounty rewards will be paid between the 1st and the 2nd LRN airdrops. If you have any questions, please send email to our lead NEO developer Eric Yang and cc Daniel Wang.


We have upgraded the relay implementation to support Ethereum LPSC v1.2 and have tested the integration on Ethereum testnet. Testing on the mainnet will start soon. We have also refactored the relay testing code base.

Our newly onboard backend architect Weichao LI has finished the relay system architecture review and come up with an optimization plan for future refactoring.


Web-based Wallet (loopr): We have added support for MetaMask, Ledger, and TREZOR — Because of the way TREZOR signs message, order submission (or trading) is currently not supported. We have also enhanced our support for mnemonic phrases and keystore files. In general, these efforts will makes our wallet more secure and easier to use.

We have also optimized the order submission workflow and hide some of the technical details (especially the ERC20 authorization operations). We have also added price tickers to display third-party trading information to help user submit orders in markets where decentralized liquidity is relatively low.

We are about to enter the testing phase for the loopr wallet, and will prepare for the initial public release in April.

iOS Wallet App (loopr-ios): We have continued the development on the app’s workflow. We have implemented creating and importing wallets using mnemonic phrases and private keys. We have verified that new wallets generated in loopr-ios can be imported in the loopr web wallet. Besides, we have integrated the Relay API WebSocket, which provides a connection to receive real-time data including as account balances, trading prices, and market depth data. For the UI side, we have started to create UILabel, UIButton, and UIView programmatically, rather than using xib and storyboard. It was our first step to modularized UI components to meet our design requirements.

Functionally, we have implemented sending and querying Ethereum transactions, as well as reading the list of markets, market details, and some other data.

We have been continuously improving the app’s UI design. The lastest design outputs are available here.

Whitepaper Rewrite

We have published a new Loopring whitepaper. Currently only the English version is available.

We’ll reward people who translate the whitepaper into the following languages: Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, German, Vietnamese, French, Korean, and Italian. We will reward 5000 to 10000 (LRN+LRQ) for each language translation. We will publish detailed bounty rules in another Medium post.

Operation and Marketing

  • 03/08/2018: Loopring and Morpheus Wallet entered into an extended partnership to create an integrated solution on NEO Smart Economy and Ethereum Blockchain.
  • 03/09/2018: LRC was listed on Bittrex and UpBit.
  • 03/12/2018: Loopring and O3 entered partnership. O3 is one of the best NEO NEP5-wallets, it will support our LRN airdrops as well as the development and deployment of Loopring on NEO.
  • 03/13/2018: LRC is now supported by a Chinese crypto community app called “币用(biyong)” (https://0.plus). LRC can be used for dispatch red envelopes to our community in the app.
  • 03/16/2018: Our CMO Jay Zhou delivered a keynote at TokenFest, San Francisco.
Jay at TokenFest

For more up-to-date information, join us on social media:
⭑ Twitter: twitter.com/loopring.org
⭑ Reddit: reddit.com/r/loopringorg
⭑ Telegram: t.me/loopring_en
⭑ Telegram: t.me/loopringfans (Chinese)

