Loopring Bi-Weekly Update — 08/18/2019

Matthew Finestone
Loopring Protocol
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2019

Loopring v3 beta3 has been deployed on Ethereum mainnet. We have made another 15% TPS improvements from the last update and we expect the throughput without data availability to break 10,000 TPS after Istanbul fork. The v3 smart contract & ZKP circuit audits have begun by SECBIT team.

Research & Development

Loopring Protocol

We have released Loopring protocol v3 beta3 and have started working with SECBIT on the security audit.

We have enabled Automatic Protocol Upgradability — meaning that DEX owners can upgrade the Protocol to the latest version without affecting existing users and their data. This feature also makes it easier to fix potential bugs.

v3.0 latest throughput

We have completed ZKP-based internal transfer and tested related features in the circuit. This will reduce the cost of transferring on Ethereum.

We are exploring running ZKP on GPU, which focuses on optimizing functions in ethsnark and biff libraries.

We have improved unit tests of ZKP circuits including tests for all modules in the circuit and all Gadgets.

Lightcone Relayer

We have completed core functionalities such as deposit, trading, and withdrawal in an internal testing environment. At the same time, we have implemented unifying data, database read-write separation throughout the optimization. We have finalized software architecture of REST API and WebSocket API. For the development workflow, we have started implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment.


We have completed all the features for the first version of the DEX product. In the past two weeks, we have integrated MetaMask and refactored UI of account creation, deposit, withdrawal, and approval. We have set up a mock API server to support frontend development and testing.

Operations & Marketing

  • 08/10/2019 — Loopring CMO, Jay Zhou, co-hosted an AMA on DeFi China Community with DDEX & DOS NETWORK, talking about the liquidity of DEX 3.0.
  • 08/12/2019 — Loopring BD Director, Matthew Finestone, did a podcast with Let’s Talk ETC to share his perspectives on blockchain financial products and services.
  • 08/13/2019 — Matthew and Loopring Community Supporter Scott Wight attended Canada’s Largest Blockchain Conference, Blockchain Futurist Conference.
Loopring@Blockchain Futurist Conference
  • 08/15/2019 — We published a third article, Elliptic Curves, authored by Kerman Kohli as part of our Learning Cryptographic series.
  • 08/15/2019 — Loopring team now has officially become a #WBTC merchant. This will enable users to change WBTC with BTC on Loopring’s platform.
  • 08/16/2019 — We are thrilled to announce the release of Loopring protocol 3.0-beta 3 and our partnership with SECBIT for auditing the protocol.
  • 08/16/2019 — Loopring team attended ConsenSys Grant's hackathon in Toronto.
@ConsenSys Grant’s hackathon

Next Week

Loopring’s Matthew Finestone will be speaking at Berlin Blockchain Week, about Loopring and DEXs at ChainLink’s hackernode stage (web3 summit) and Dappcon about Loopring and the #dxDAO.

Loopring is a decentralized exchange protocol utilizing zkSNARKs to bring highly scalable, non-custodial trading to the masses. You can sign up for our bi-weekly update, or learn more at:

⭑ Twitter: twitter.com/loopringorg
⭑ Reddit: reddit.com/r/loopringorg
⭑ Telegram: t.me/loopring_en
⭑ Discord: discord.gg/KkYccYp
⭑ GitHub: https://github.com/Loopring
⭑ Kakao: open.kakao.com/o/gJbSZdF (Korean)

