Loopring Bi-Weekly Update — 12/09/2017

Loopring is the protocol for decentralized token exchange

Daniel Wang
Loopring Protocol
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2017



Protocol Smart Contracts

  • We added a transferable multi-signature smart contract (which is very generic and we welcome other projects to adopt it as well). With this smart contract built into the v1.0.0 final release, the Loopring Protocol is considered more secure than the previous pre-releases.
  • We updated events emitted by the protocol now it is easier to process these events.
  • We further polished smart contract codebase based on the feedback from Blockchain at Berkeley. Now all outstanding feedback have been taken care of.
  • We released protocol v1.0.0 final!. We tried to deploy it on Ethereum mainnet but failed due to a large number of pending transactions. Given that we have sufficient experience in smart contract deployment, this is not an issue for us. The deployment and initialization of v1.0.0 would mark a major milestone.


Loopring.js is the bridge between the smart contracts, the relays, and the wallets. We have migrated to use yarn for dependency management and webpack for building the target. This upgrade reduced library target code from multiple megabytes to 631KB. We also fixed several bugs.

The pre-releases (0.0.x) of looping.js are available on npm. If you want to learn how to integrate with the Loopring Protocol, this library is a good starting point (please do review the source code before using it). We will add more content to this project’s wiki.


  • All JSON RPC is code complete. We have started the integration of the relay, loopring.js, and the Loopr wallet. This ongoing effort will take approximately two to three weeks which we call the internal testing period.
  • We optimized order management and mining-related logics and added more unit tests.
  • The database and Ethereum nodes have been deployed on AWS. The relay service will be deployed soon in the coming week.


To enhance user experience, Loopr now supports auto-generation of prerequisite transactions (which users have the chance to review and approve/decline). With this feature, submitting orders is more like a single operation and is straightforward.

We also introduced several other enhancements to the wallet, such as allowing hiding of zero-balanced tokens, filtering of tokens and market pairs, and optimization of data loading.

Last week we have also migrated to use the latest npm-published version of loopring.js, the amount of JavaScript code has been reduced by a great deal.

Operation & Marketing

  • 12/01/2017: we have migrated from Slack to RocketChat (we will leave Slack after 12/15/2017).
  • 12/04/2017: LRC token has been listed on OKEx, one of the largest exchanges in China.
  • 11/25/2017: Loopring CMO Jay Zhou and COO Jonhston Chen shared our progress and roadmap in Beijing with more than 200 investors/community members at an event co-organized by Loopring, Bitshares, Achain, and Yoyow.
  • 11/29/2017: 997 people participated in our poll regarding which tokens we shall list in our v1.0.0 release.
  • 12/02/2017: To raise the curiosity of those who know nothing about LRC and Loopring, we distributed 5 LRC for each of the addresses we collected that satisfy our selection criteria. More than 36000 addresses have received our airdrop. We did plan to drop to more addresses, but due to the dramatic increase of pending transactions and the ever-rising of gas price on Ethereum, we decided to stop for now. We are also considering another airdrop to LRC holders, but with v1.0.0 integration/testing ongoing, this is not our priority.
  • 12/02/2017: Loopring COO Johnston Chen shared an update on FoR in Shenzhen with 40 community members.
  • 12/06/2017: We kicked off a WeChat/Telegram sticker design contest, just for fun.
  • 12/06/2017, we published a 3-minute video (in Chinese) to introduce the Loopring protocol. The video got 5000 views per day during the first couple of days. We’ll release an English version shortly.

For more up-to-date information, join us on social media:
⭑ Twitter: https://twitter.com/loopring.org
⭑ Rocket Chat: https://loopring.rocket.chat
⭑ Telegram: https://t.me/loopringfans & https://t.me/loopringinternational

