Loopring’s Bounty Reward for Medium Post Translation

Daniel Wang
Loopring Protocol
Published in
7 min readApr 11, 2018

We’d like to publish our bi-weekly updates in more languages. Learn more about how you can help out and win rewards.

Update: this program has been terminated.

Here at Loopring, we care about communication and transparency. I personally wrote all the bi-weekly updates to make sure our community has a good idea of what we are up to and what we have accomplished on a regular basis.

We use Medium as our major blogging platform (besides WeChat public account in China), and until now we have only maintained an English publication — http://medium.com/loopring-protocol. We feel like sharing our project updates to a broader audience who also speak: Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, German, Vietnamese, French, Korean, and Italian. We currently do not plan to post in other languages.


LRC Trading Data on CMC

It is worth mentioning that the above rewards are based on the prerequisite that the translation is of high-quality.


  • You should be a native speaker of the target language.
  • You should understand blockchain technology and specially Ethereum and smart contract.
  • You should have prior experience in translating technical articles or papers.
  • You will check Loopring Medium Translation telegram channel and email multiple times a day.
  • You should have the bandwidth for translating 2 to 3 articles per week on average, each article will have 500–1000 words.

How to apply?

Send an email to daniel@loopring.org providing the following information:

  1. Check the “Current Status” below section to see who has already signed up for a language.
  2. Join our Loopring Medium Translation telegram channel, talk to other volunteers.
  3. If you decide to proceed, send email to daniel@loopring.org with 1) your choice of a target language, 2) any documents or links that support your qualification, 3) your Medium user id.

Translation Process

This part was updated again and the original submission method has obsoleted.

  • Daniel and the Loopring team will publish posts on a regular basis. In case we posts the link of draft posts in our Medium channel, the timer starts right there, and if we publish our posts directly, the timer starts when the posts are published.
  • If you want to do the translation, please announce it in our Medium channel to make sure nobody is competing with you on the same post. We will only accept one translation per post per language. In case we cannot tell which one is better, we’ll accept the first submission.
  • When you are done, add “Translated by Your Name (@medium_id) <your@email.address>” as the very first line of the footer, right after the dot-separator . We will use this line to identify and reward you so we don’t have to scan email or Telegram messages.
  • You still need to add the following 5 keywords: Loopring, LRC, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Investment, either in English or the target language. If the English post has been published, you can polish your translation using your own Medium account, otherwise please hold.
  • Submission (UPDATED): please send the link to your translation to Fay Li <fay.18@outlook.com> who will copy your translation together with the 5 keywords into a new post, use her Medium account to publish the post to the right publication. Make sure you tell her which publication you want her to add your post to. Timer stops when we received your email.

If you don’t understand some of the original English content, no worry, go ahead with your best effort, and email Daniel for clarification — You can update the post later, it won’t affect your reward.

Quality Control

We believe our contributors possess good business ethics and will deliver high-quality works professionally— The new posts will be posted under their names after all. So normally we won’t find a third-party to review the translations. But if our community starts to complain about the quality of their articles, i.e., some articles were so obviously translated by using software such as Google Translate, we will remove the contributor from our publications and will NOT pay the amount as stated in previous sections.


Loopring will reward one contributor per post but will also reward multiple authors per publication. It means in the early stage we will not lock a publication to any single contributor or group unless sufficient trust has been built up.

We encourage each and every potential contributor to talk to others who want to work on the same language. Eventually, we’ll find a way to collaborate with each other.


You need to keep the content AS IS and format the translated exactly the same way as the original posts. Also you need to keep all the existing images — you can drag and drop the images from the original posts to your desktop to save a copy.

Full-Width Hero Image

We keep a high definition hero image (15 MB or so) on the top of each post (underneath an optional short introduction), as shown by the example below. In previous posts in English, we sometimes put some words in the images, but in the future, we’ll only put our logo there.

Header Image

Consistent Footer

For any language, the footer should almost always stay the same. The one below is the footer used in our English posts. In your post, you need to change the last line to the link to our telegram channel for that specific language (ask daniel@loopring.org).

Note that 1) there is a “…” on the top, you can type it by pressing “Option + Command + Return” on Mac, or you can just copy from any existing post; 2) each line begins with a “⭑ ”. There are no blank lines in between; and 3) you need to translate the first sentence.

Update: you need to replace the first line with sometline like the following with the right links in the target language: “To access the original post, please visit Loopring’s official English blogs. For more up-to-date information, please us on social media:


Existing Publications

The following publications have been created:

We’ll keep updating this list.


You are welcome to join the Loopring Medium Translation Telegram channel to ask questions and find partners, and you can always drop Daniel a line.

Important Legal Information

This bounty program is a discretionary rewards program for our active community to encourage and reward those who are helping to grow our community. We can cancel the program at any time and awards are at the sole discretion of Loopring Foundation. In addition, you are responsible for all taxes payable in connection with the receipt of any rewards.

You must translate our posts AS IS, and do NOT modify the original data and links, and certainly do NOT inject your own data, links, or subjective views into the posts; otherwise, you’ll be held responsible.

For more up-to-date information, join us on social media:
⭑ Twitter: twitter.com/loopringorg
⭑ Reddit: reddit.com/r/loopringorg
⭑ Telegram: t.me/loopring_en
⭑ Telegram: t.me/loopringfans (Chinese)

