The Loopring Ambassador Program: an Update

Byron @ Loopring
Loopring Protocol
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2023

The Loopring ecosystem Ambassador program is set up to recognize some of the most outstanding community members who are going above and beyond to help expand the ecosystem and help others get started on their journeys.

The program has undergone a lot of changes since it’s inception back in 2022. Today we want to help organize these updates and formally update the community on where the program is today and where it is going.

TLDR — the main changes:

  • Now recognizing community contributors natively across the socials that they prefer — currently we are rewarding contributors on Twitter (X), Discord + Reddit
  • The top 1–3 contributors each month on each of these social platforms will receive new roles as well as a new Loophead to go along with the role
  • Top 1–3 will depend on how active the community was, as well as how active each individual contributor was during the month nominated
  • These roles each have a track that can lead to potentially bigger roles in the future

How the Ambassador Program works:

The purpose of the program is to recognize and reward those in the community who are going above and beyond to try to help recruit and onboard new users to the Loopring ecosystem.

In order to accomplish this, we search the community for active participants while also relying on the nominations of others in the community to do the same each month. If you are actively helping to grow the Loopring ecosystem through quality content, tutorials, guides, helping with user support questions or building cool projects on Loopring, someone will notice you and nominate you for your hard work.

Top 8 nominations, based on their activity and/or quality of contributions in the ecosystem will be put up for a vote at the end of each month. The Top 1–3 after the voting on each platform will win a new role in the ecosystem that comes along with a brand new Loophead NFT.

The 3 social platforms we are focused on now:

  • L2 Loopers — for contributors who are active + helping to grow the ecosystem in a productive way exclusively on X(Twitter)
  • Loopring OGs — for contributors who are active + helping to grow the ecosystem in a productive way exclusively on Discord
  • Loop Troopers — for contributors who are active + helping to grow the ecosystem in a productive way exclusively on Reddit

Users need to have been active on each of these platforms for the previous 6 months minimum prior to nomination as well as in the Top 8 most active or helpful in the month that they are nominated.

In the future we are planning to re-open our Intern program as well. We will be hiring part-time paid interns that will be primarily chosen from these pools of contributors.

The intern track could also one day lead to full-time contributor roles for the Loopring team.

For the builders in the Loopring ecosystem, we have another track also:

  • Loopring Legends — for builders who are creating products, tools, games or more to help grow the ecosystem

This role also comes with a brand new Loophead NFT as well as closer access to the team through private discussion channels. In the future Loopring Legends can become ecosystem partners, where we will help to showcase and amplify their projects. When we re-open our grants programs in the future, Loopring Legends will also be first in line to apply for these. Loopring Legends will also be eligible for Intern and/or full-time roles in the future once these roles are available and re-introduced.

What will the Ambassador Program grow into?

In the future, the goal of this program is to help turn the Loopring ecosystem into a fully decentralized and self-rewarding ecosystem, where there are contributors all over the world helping to grow their ecosystem and everyone is being rewarded for their participation in the network.

We hope to one day better intertwine the LRC ecosystem tokenomics with programs like this to help make Loopring the network of the people — a full participant-owned ecosystem.

About Loopring

Loopring is an Ethereum Layer 2 zkRollup protocol for scalable, secure DeFi and NFT applications. Loopring builds non-custodial, high-performance products atop our L2, including the Loopring Wallet — a mobile Ethereum smart wallet, and the Loopring L2 web app — an L2 order book and AMM DEX. To learn more, follow us on Medium or see


