3 Great Tips To Lift Up Your Mood!

Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2016

Sometimes the negative thoughts can conquer our minds and bring lots of concerns. It might not be easy to run away from negativity or worries on your mind but you can slightly take action. We recommend you to apply these tips anytime that you feel a little confused, down and unhappy state of mind.

While it is very possible to feel bad and take most of the things personal, here are some great tips to lift up your mood to positive:

Tip #1: Color Change In the Room;

If you are in a room with no windows or the curtains are down, try to open them up, let the sunlight go in and bring up the colors in the room with some light. This can be even artificial light but it will truly help you.


Tip #2: Stay Away from Slow Music

Sad and slow tone songs can put your mood a little down. While listening Adele can be amazing, it can also effect you as well. Try to play the games that makes you happy (PokemonGo anyone?) and listen some uplifting songs.


Tip #3: Go Outside For A Nice Coffee

This may sound very basic but it is proven that coffee helps you to feel positive. If you are in happy hour time and above the legal drinking age, you can use a little wine sip as well. Overthinking won’t be helping you but the coffee can calm you down, help you to get a small walk around the block and even get you introduce to new people in the coffee shop.





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