Daily Facial Cleansing Remedy

Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2016

Your face is definitely one part of yourself that you want to keep well put together at all times. Cleansing your face at the end of the helps to unclog your pores and liven up your skin, particularly if you use makeup. If you simply let your makeup stay on your face all night, it can cause redness, blotchy skin and brittle lashes. With the daily use of a variety of cosmetics (and possibly chemicals), it’s nice to just opt for the natural remedy once in a while. One of the best and most effective natural makeup removers may come as a surprise to you, but I bet that it can be found in anyone’s refrigerator.

Use milk as a moo-isturizing makeup remover/ facial cleanser

Milk has been used for beauty purposes since thousands of years ago, when royal women would take milk baths to enhance their skin. While milk bath may be a bit far-fetched, milk’s fats and proteins can still be utilized to hydrate and moisturize your face. Simply dip a cotton ball in a small bowl of milk, gradually wipe your face and be amazed as your makeup comes off easily and without much hassle. It’s best to gently wash your face with lukewarm water afterwards to get rid of any remaining residue. If you’re craving that extra softness then add a tablespoon of almond oil to the milk beforehand.

Milk as a makeup remover/ facial cleanser is simple, efficient and cost-effective. It works exceptionally well if you have sensitive skin that breaks out at the touch of chemicals found in store bought cleansers. So, next time you need to wipe off your makeup, just head towards the fridge!




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