Prologue: Hammer of Time

Erica Lindquist
Loose Leaf Stories
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2023


“Memories are stones cast into the river of time.”
– Maeve Cavainna (234 PA)

Maeve stood alone in the overgrown grass of her homeworld as the wind stirred it into soft green waves. The blades whispered around her ankles and buzzed with insects. Broken and melted glass towers cast shimmering shadows like frozen flames across Illisem.

What has been can never be again — what is done is done. Each moment is unique, new and never to be repeated. This is the law of time, the music of life’s endless dance and its unfaltering beat.

How many moments had led to this one? How much pain? How much loss?

The warm Arcadian wind tugged at Maeve’s white-streaked hair and tangled it around her shoulders. A large red and blue veilwing landed on the shoulder of her armor and crept across the curved glass. Finally, the insect decided that Maeve’s bright armor wasn’t a flower and fluttered away once more.

What if one of those moments… changed? Any one of billions? Would everything in the worlds truly be different? Could a single moment rewrite entire histories, reforge those dearest to her into people that Maeve wouldn’t even know?

She knew the answer. She had seen those other lives and deaths. Time could be wounded just as deeply as any body and the twisted scars left behind were terrible.

The three white-robed figures were close, walking through the emerald grass toward Maeve. Now it was time to go. It was finally time to end this war.

What has been can never be again.

<< Forged | Table of Contents | Chapter 1 >>

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Erica Lindquist
Loose Leaf Stories

Writer, editor, and occasional ball of anxiety for Loose Leaf Stories and The RPGuide.