A Power Greater Than Me

Who or what is your Higher Power?

Victoria Antonelli
Loose Words
1 min readOct 5, 2020


Photo by MORAN on Unsplash

A power greater than me
Pulls me out of bed
Whispers in my ear
As I stare at my reflection

A power greater than me
Pushes me one more round
Through sweat and tears
Embarrassment and self-pity

A power greater than me
Hears “yes” when they say “no”
And feels joy each time
They aim to inflict pain

A power greater than me
Carries the blood of my lineage
Grandmothers, aunts, cousins
The women who couldn’t

A power greater than me
Won’t let me give up
Won’t let me be dragged
By the weight of expectation

A power greater than me
Summons my soul for war
Leaving me on the field
To fight my own battles

