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A Taste of Music

A Free Verse Poem

Tre L. Loadholt
Loose Words
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2020


I watch her slip into the
comfort of a world away
in music — she sails on
oceans, adrift below the
blue-tipped sky.

Her smile is a come-hither
invitation I’d been putting off
for several weeks yet I am
moved to see what it is she

She’s wrapped in smooth melodies
that prompt my tongue to
lick my lips — I find peace
in the gentle nod of her head,
her dreadlocks bend with
the wind.

I want to touch the peace
in life she heartily embraces —
sure of its healing powers.
She hums along, my world
is a rainbow waiting for
its debut.

I color her world
with my razzmatazz and
she continues on, walking to
the beats of artists known and unknown
taking up shelter
in her head.

©2020 Tremaine L. Loadholt



Tre L. Loadholt
Loose Words

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •