Behold the silence

It cradles the universe

Georgiana Petec
Loose Words


Image by Georgiana Petec from Pixabay

I have so much to say, and yet
when silence covers the world
in a white fluffy blanket,
I’m happiest,
as if I received redemption,
absolution for the extraordinary
that wasn’t truly there.

Your cherry lips on mine,
once hungry and rebelled,
I don’t mind their lost lust,
no longer weary of thieving others
that might interlope,
I’m happy they face the winds
in a tacit ensemble,
wise as the universe or merely born.

My love for you will always be
the singalong of the stars
circled by fireflies and lost ladybugs,
the lulling of the firtree tops
bowing to dancing birds,
the wisdom of the rocks
on top of mountains,
the constant wave of passing clouds.

There is nothing I can say
that would make anything better
or bring solace to wounded souls,
because the…



Georgiana Petec
Loose Words

Words, my trusted allies, written when you couldn’t be spoken, now for other voices to read you— I welcome you here.