

Connie Song
Loose Words
2 min readOct 11, 2021


Illustration by Biljana Cvetanovic on iStock subscribed

I seem to attract dust —
atoms of energy or ideas and infusions
that are somehow looking
for space to take flight —
or a place to take root,
maybe find a home, or a shelter to occupy…

I am the parasite
that welcomes their company,
yet I play host,
a ghost
who’s been plagued
with creating
something out of nothing,
echoes out of silence.

A dream catcher of words,
on the wings of an iron butterfly,
though sometimes I feel like an empty cocoon,
curled up in my fetal position.

Am I a tinker,
a baptized thinker
who plucks and collects impressions
implanted in my head,
like a tossed salad of withered dandelions
and seeds of iridium isotopes in a lotused bowl,
jostled, instead of merely existing,
exhaling profusely
in my grimy black hole void and ellipsis of thought,
expelling oxygen?

Love, hate.
Words and my pen.
Perhaps, instead,
we are absurdly symbiotic, co-dependent,
shaken and stirred.
But why am I the broken vase
and not the sultry flowers?

Sometimes I feel it would be easier
to measure the universe with a shoelace,
than to be taunted by prosthetic syllables,
floating in my imagination,
banging on my head,
until words
from my pen

They say my chi may be blocked,
and I suspect it will leave fresh,
inaudible scars.

© Connie Song 2021. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
Loose Words

Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Editor of Purple Ink | Coffee Fanatic | Twitter Connie Song 10.