
Buried Fib

How deeply can we dig our lies?

Aspen Blue
Loose Words
Published in
Dec 3, 2020


Memory replaced
Scratching what mattered
The form of your face
Breaking a glass mirrored to find and replace
The someone or something forgotten to indulge our senses in beloved old tastes
Wherefore and whence in the pages long since turned, closed and spurned, burnt, buried, interred to earth, nevermore heard from again
Where we rend the lands tended by mothering hands, watered with wasted tears
Tilled by old fears, rills lined with wait
For seeds from our hearts
Where we scatter
What mattered

© Aspen Blue 2020

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Aspen Blue
Loose Words

Writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, autist; Published in: neuroclastic.com | follow @AspienBlue