Chart the Map of Stars and Soul

A poem on how dreams can be an invitation, illuminating the path of where we are next drawn.

Deborah McNamara
Loose Words
Dec 23, 2022


(Image: JPlenio, Pixabay)

What if
the most real layer
is here
in the dream,
a ripple through
reach to surface
upon waking?

A saint,
the kiss,
a doorway
through stone alley —
a monastery to the light
or curve
of whale’s back,
a glide at night
reminder of where to flow
beyond words,
with primordial sound
across time and space.

the great record-keepers,
memory keepers
charting the map
of stars and soul,
traversing sound waves
and water waves
bringing lineage
into body and moment,
reminder to listen
still and slow.

Each one an invitation,
a slow unfurl
illumines the path
where you are drawn
like circle
finding the center.



Deborah McNamara
Loose Words

Sustainability & Climate Activist. Yoga Teacher. Author, Invitation of Motherhood: Uncovering the Spiritual Lessons of Parenting. More: