Creation Bell

S. Wade
Loose Words
Published in
Nov 19, 2020

Looking back with ancient eyes
at the blasted faces of the moon
you greet the devastation with a blank.

Searching for the pathos of a puppeteer —
only to discover a handful of precious dirt
and the taste of ashes in the mouth.

Lingering when the fires have passed
you find a thousand luminous fools
gathered in the aftermath.

Their playful games and innocence
rambling with such delight, renders
us with no reply

as the onslaught of incendiary
interleaves the circus troupe
ascending into vacuum.

A creation bell ringing out —
an eternity of everything
resounding in its wake.

You continue breathing.

© Simon Wade 2020



S. Wade
Loose Words

Father, poet, musician, certified coach, lover of all things good, true and beautiful. You'll often find me trying to love the rest of it as well.