
Is a she

Milana Bojinović Zagrodzka
Loose Words
2 min readJan 23, 2021


Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash


Is a she
Is a way to be
In this life and beyond

She doesn’t care
She doesn’t scare
She doesn’t change

Even if you disbelieve
Or deny her existence
Even if you use your logic
Even if you say she’s toxic
Or you try to run

Is a she
And she will always find her way to be

Is a girl
Is a magic swirl
Of life’s beautiful path

She doesn’t shy away
But she’ll never push
She is not of that kind

Even if you think she’s rude
Or that her ways are sometimes crude
Even if you disbelieve
Even if you don’t understand
Or you want to flee the(e)

Is a she
And she
Will always find her way to be


So yes, destiny is a girl
She can not be grasped by logic
She can not be seen without the magic
And all those esoteric, mumbo jumbo, eerie swirls

She is not to be measured
Nor proved
She can not be captured
And it’s a paradox, indeed

For if you catch her to prove her existence, then
She ceases
To exist

But if you let her guide you
If you let her show you
And if you let her talk
And if you only listen
And if you feel and learn your lessons

Then you know that she is there
Then you know that she exists
Then you know that she is real
And that you’re her master

Then you realize that you know even how to tame her
Because you are her and she is you
So you know that she is there
So you know that it is her
A woman

For no woman can ever be measured
No woman can ever be caught
Nor her existence can be proved

For she exists
Only while she dances
Only while she plays
Only while she creates
The substance of life
And its path

They simply

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Milana Bojinović Zagrodzka
Loose Words

Join me as I learn to write and live, one day at a time. Scuba diving, hiking, travelling, yoga 'n' more... From Bosnia, living in Poland.