Empty Nest

A Poem

Jonathan Greene
Loose Words


Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

I don’t know how I got here
since it seems like yesterday
when they appeared and made
my life an entirety of love
and now, two decades or more,
they both live on their own

My nest is empty, but I am not,
even though I thought I would be,
especially when they were younger
and I could not fathom a day
without the lightness of their being
and the glue of our human bond

But here we are, full and empty,
a classic mismatch of emotions
because I am so proud of them
and also so proud of me for
being their steward to this date,
but man, it’s quiet in here

There was a year where she was gone,
but I knew she would be back
so the nest wasn’t empty then
and the truth is that
I am not empty now
I am whole
They are whole
without me

© Jonathan Greene 2024

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