Fade Away

Free Verse

Lark Morrigan
Loose Words
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2022


My time is short
and the years grow shorter
and time is hunting me down
for all the wasted days.

So I fade into the shadows
and blend in with nothingness
and the voices in my head
say that I cannot run,
only fade away.

But one day,
I will be no more.

One day,
I will disintegrate
and see exactly how I end
in the blink of an eye.

One day,
every worry
and every moment spent
in self-inflicted agony
will bear its weight on me,
and I will look back
with utter defeat,
so unprepared for the grave —
so unprepared for
the suddenness of it all.

By then, there will be
no window of time
to salvage what is left of me —
by then, there will be
no chance to take,
no epilogue to write,
no heavy heart to comfort
in the dead of night.

