Float on brave faces

A poem

Trapper Markelz
Loose Words
Published in
Feb 1, 2021


Photo by Bradley Prentice on Unsplash

You can breathe underwater
if you blow in and out really fast.
I discovered this when I was young,
but I’ve been scared to try it since.

I can’t shake the feeling we descended
from water apes, bits of hair covering
us in streamlining places. Too bad
we have to shave it all off, an act

of control. How willing our oppression,
like a line of buoys in a lake we don’t dare
swim beyond, where the grass might touch
our feet, or maybe it’s the limp hand

of a murdered lady. I have a friend
who can float for hours when I dare
not even go in. It’s fine. It’s all fine.
We deserve it. We deserve everything!

© Trapper Markelz 2021

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Trapper Markelz
Loose Words

Trapper Markelz (he/him) is a poet who writes from Boston, MA. His work has appeared in numerous journals and publications. Check out http://trappermarkelz.com