Hear Through the Hum

A poem about readiness to launch, and learning to be guided by an inner listening.

Deborah McNamara
Loose Words
May 28, 2023


(Image: JPlenio, Pixabay)

There is a path
cut between two
cliff walls,
following course of river.
There, dip your hands
into the cool stream,
gazing forward
ready to launch
following each flow line.

I can do this.
You can do this.
Slow and steady
now, find the space
between strokes,
a curl into silence.
Be guided
by an inner listening,
not only
nose to grindstone
but also face to
realm of mystery.

Hear now
through the hum,
and you will learn
where to go.



Deborah McNamara
Loose Words

Sustainability & Climate Activist. Yoga Teacher. Author, Invitation of Motherhood: Uncovering the Spiritual Lessons of Parenting. More: www.debmcnamara.com