Photo by Diego Jimenez on Unsplash


Poetic belonging

Paul Corbeil
Published in
1 min readMar 16, 2021


Moving water is loud, a constant
ever-present, more dependable than
day or night, whose sunsets and dawns
visit or not, depending on light

Next to flowing water
you never feel truly alone
you can’t be lonely
loneliness comes like a wool blanket
trapping everything inside

To combat this emptiness
majestic mountains
look up — up to the skies
see them cluster yet apart

The fate of the largest
to stand tall alone
snow-capped year-round
We trace routes up with our eyes

Routes we’ll never climb
at a certain age, all is no longer possible
the world no longer completely spreads before us
we choose where to leave our marks

Where to keep our hearts
love of children, immutable
one that needs not be forever earned
but ah, oh not so
with romantic love

Choices then
to behold the raging winter fjord
mountains in the distance
room for children should they come

Coffee by the fire
on cold winter nights like tonight
ever near enough to touch, to kiss

The One who holds your heart



Paul Corbeil
Loose Words

Poet. Storyteller. Lover of Art. Writing to make you feel. I will use the poetic form that best suits the mood. Twitter @Loverdesart