Hunger Without Shape

an audio poem

Melinda Smith
Loose Words


Photo by DaYsO on Unsplash

Listen to the audio here

My mind remains
the most powerful drug

bathing me, naked
in addiction’s choking hold

fingers cold, it grips like
yesterdays making love to
sweet, if empty, promises of tomorrow

This mourning dew, this
amorphous ache
that settles into ether’s breath

It is the shade of you
in which I bathe,
the haunt that tethers
to my bones, as soul
arises from tangible mind

You are the sky,
above my reach, and yet
I wear you
in risen flesh
and blush of cheek

I trace myself in paint
of longing’s hue
until the yellow rays age
into sepia-curled obituaries

I sing to you
a private siren’s song
whose sound waves ebb
but sputter and die, here
on this rocky beach
as your ship sets course for anywhere
but this shore

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Melinda Smith
Loose Words

Writer of science, fiction, sci-fi, & poetry | Recovering academic (PhD, Neuroscience) | | @ScienceGeekMel