
I Am a Poem

Multifaceted Some Days

Aspen Blue
Loose Words
Published in
1 min readFeb 9, 2021


Some days I am only half a poem
a mere fragment whispered interstitial
a semicolon of thought b r o k e n
separated from the whole movement
cadenzaed runs of words un-codaed

Some days I am form and metre
chivalry tipped and teetered
structured stanzas arcing back
riffing lines with tongue attacks
to bite the necks of readers

Someday I’m experimental
lying traps of buried truths
easter-egg hiding flying rabbit
of proof turning up poisoned

Some days I’m ekphrastic and ecstatic allowing
words and rhymes to mark their time racing
pages of experiential vivid imaginings of form
and colour, sound and sight, tetrochromatic
synaesthesia painting wandering whimsy and pain

Some days I am brief
honed to my essence of form
awaiting your eyes

© Aspen Blue 2021

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Aspen Blue
Loose Words

Writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, autist; Published in: neuroclastic.com | follow @AspienBlue