I Hope “And” Is Your New Favorite Word

A poem for beginnings

Megan Minutillo
Loose Words


Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash

I hope you have the courage to make “and” your new favorite word.

May you not be boxed into a corner,
or a mold,
or some version of what someone else wants you to be.

May you realize that you don’t always have to pick one,
that you don’t always have to choose,
that life is not an either/or situation.

May you see that that there are a million little things that
make up the magic that is you,
and that you are allowed to embrace those differences,
and that nuance,
and the notion that you might not always fit into a pretty little box.

I hope you have the courage to make “and” your new favorite word.

I hope you see that you can love someone more than anything,
and still need time alone,
that you can be sad for yourself,
and hold space for someone else’s joy.

I hope you feel
and know,
deep within your bones —
you can be content with where you are and still want to grow.

I hope you have the courage to make “and” your new favorite word.



Megan Minutillo
Loose Words

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.