Jacaranda Tree


Connie Song
Loose Words
1 min readAug 17, 2020


Photo by Tim Cooper on Unsplash

My soul exploded, upon first seeing the Jacaranda tree,
It was like hearing Beethoven
or enjoying a butterfly’s romp
for the first time,
Or listening to the irrepressible sound
of a baby’s unrehearsed laughter.

It was like the parting of the seas,
the cure for all disease,
an oasis for the lost, empty shell,
the desert,
I had become.
It was full of promise and hope.

That expanded the enigma of me,
the cynic in me,
having tasted too much of the contaminated realm of reality.

I got to experience once again,
the pure joy of nature,
the intrigue of art,
the color chart of beauty,
that still lives outside the heart,
side by side,
in an otherwise tainted, bittersweet world.

© Connie Song 2020. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
Loose Words

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