Leaves are Falling

And the road is wet from rain

Paul Mulliner
Loose Words
2 min readNov 11, 2020


photo by The BlowUp on Unsplash

Like shadows
melting into misty air
or whispers cast into a breeze,
streaming moments
pass through our life,
weaving threads of time
into a living fabric
of experience and memory
throughout the Universe.

Thoughts and words
can never quite reveal
this hidden cosmic weave,
the conscious breath of the universal
that’s always changing
into moments of experience,
the spiral swirl of seashells,
and the inner geometry
of all life everywhere.

Touching our moments
with its gentle intelligence
if we care to find it
inside ourselves,
helping us know
there’s one self inside all of us,
and find empathy for others,
as we intuitively realize
the universal conscious space
we’re born and die into,
the one consciousness
inside all of us.

Perhaps we’re emerging now
into better times,
where we can say
truth matters,
reality matters
the reality of being human
and caring for each other matters,
while we still have breath
and life to experience,
wherever we find ourselves
this moment.

For every moment
offers us the chance
to anchor our heart
in the breath of the universal.

And from nearby trees
leaves are falling to the ground
and the road is wet from rain.



Paul Mulliner
Loose Words

I'm a writer and designer based in London, writing about intuition, silence, consciousness ....