Letter from Society

Shristi Jaiswal
Loose Words
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2020
freestocks from unsplash

Prepare to lose yourself along the
way, trying to find a job you hate,
the kind that doesn’t even pay
There might be one or a million
faults thrown your way
But that’s okay, living a lie while
pretending to smile will sure get
this out of the way

Being awake till three, listening to the
same news about politics, stocks and
lies about peace
Grab a cup of coffee or three
while you go over spreadsheets
because this is now part of your
daily routine

Be ready at nine as you have to report
to a job that makes this world a little
worse off
Fix your tie and comb your hair it’s
time to impress a boss that just
doesn’t care

The clock strikes five, it’s time to get
back to a house that can never feel
like home on a warm Fourth of July
Open up the Cup Noodles because who
are you kidding? With your paycheck
that’s all you can really afford

Congratulations, it’s now the weekend,
the time to enjoy as prescribed by your
capitalist leaders
Time to get some drinks at a bar with
people that bore you to death with
their talks about shows, sex and the
coming recession

Hop into that dress you bought, the one
that covers your skin well because hey,
you don’t want some unwanted attention
coming your way
And don’t forget to smile because as a
woman you don’t want the men to
think you are heartless and stubborn

It’s 2 am, you fall back onto your
creaky bed ready to sleep away the
hangover coming next
But hey, pull up your socks because
guess what? According to the bondage
letter you signed the day you committed
to this lifestyle, it is Monday again,
which means it’s time to do this
all over again



Shristi Jaiswal
Loose Words

Flash fictions, Essays and Poetry// I love all things aesthetic probably to an unhealthy extent