Like Moments of a Dream

Or projections of a play

Paul Mulliner
Loose Words
1 min readNov 24, 2020


photo by Vincenzo Landino on Unsplash

Somewhere music plays
and every moment seems
like moments from a dream
or projections of a play
on a screen inside our mind,
while clouds slowly stream
across the sky
and fleeting moments of awareness
emerge, dissolve, and disappear
like reflections
in the surface of a mirror
we somehow lost long ago
and could never find again.

Dreams of celestial music
becoming visible as woven patterns of light,
cosmic energy spun into appearance
as biochemistry and the shape of leaves,
cosmic dream space
turning into living beings,
the conscious space that dreams
and waits, while we let go
our proud and selfish separation
and dissolve into its larger self,
forever dreaming in a cosmic sky
outside the boundaries
our thinking might create.

And in the end
we only have each other,
and the inspiration we can find
when we touch the conscious silence
inside ourselves,
and know all our experiences
are woven into the fabric
of a shared conscious awareness
inside all of us.



Paul Mulliner
Loose Words

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....