Loose Words Letter #74


Jonathan Greene
Loose Words


3 min readJan 13, 2022


Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

Welcome to the weekly newsletter from Loose Words. These letters go out every Thursday and highlight many of our published poems from the past week. Loose Words is a poetry publication brought to you by Assemblage to capture disconnected thoughts and let them find their form.

“If every day is an awakening, you will never grow old. You will just keep growing.” — Gail Sheehy

Each week, we will post a few lines from each featured poem (all friend links so anyone can read them) to give you a preview of the whole. We encourage you to read the full version by clicking in and taking that minute. A one-minute read could change your day.

Featured Poet

Each week we feature one of our contributing poets at Loose Words on our homepage and in this letter. This week it is Trapper Markelz. Trapper is a poet who writes from Boston.

Featured Poet: Trapper Markelz


Collections are groupings of poems with an overall theme. You can find Collections on the homepage underneath the Featured Poems, Notes From the Editor, and Featured Poet sections.

Silence features 8 poems from 8 different poets from our archives. This section is a great way to get acquainted with multiple works around one theme, as well as to find poets you haven’t read before, or ones you shouldn’t miss.

Silence features loose words from Unni Nambiar, Vinitha Dileep, Georgiana Petec, Gail Walter, Jonathan Greene, Siân Griffin, Paul Mulliner, and Melinda Smith.

Collection: Silence

Selected Loose Words From Last Week

The First Time I Felt You Kick by Megan Minutillo

“It was as if a tiny bolt
of lighting
had not only pierced
my belly,
but a bit of my heart,

The Hardest Goodbye by Melissa Kerman

“I have loved and lost many bad men
but what differentiates my latest is that
this bad man owns a dog
as precious as you
and leaving him means
I will be leaving you, too”

A Little Magic by Trapper Markelz

“cocked and twitchy, inventing deadly traffic
in his small mind, carrying secrets

in a bubbly silent laugh of falling husks.
The birdseed said it would attract him,”

Leaks by Madeleine Anne Bognar

“you are lost at sea
and I on land
but maybe you know the way.”

Highlighted Past Poems

Of Torrents by Christine Kelly

“Breath lost and found
in the spindrift and spume
and the ebullition he’d long held at bay
giving rise to a groundswell
of mutual surrender.”

Cannibalizing the Kiss by Dionne Charlet

“near kiss between cannibals
elliptical on haunches
backlit and toward
a cessation of flares.”

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.” — Anatole France

May we awaken again in 2022.



Jonathan Greene
Loose Words

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com