Man Qua Man?

Uṇṇi Nambia̅r
Loose Words
Published in
1 min readMar 6, 2023

We carry the forgotten loss of our memories
Plodding heavily with the bulk of its emptiness
Choices we did not make and those we were not given
Dragging slovenly behind our unseeable tracks

We struggle to thread the needle of our sickness
A cohesion unraveled in our disarray
We wear two faces in the world and our souls
A dichotomy that festers and gnaws

Meaning withers, a luxury we cannot afford
As we hurtle headlong, into the purposeless
Soaring the leaden wings of empty feathers
Reaching for a sun that does not shine

We abandoned the magic in scoffing silence
The glue that permeated our happiness and pain
And stood triumphant upon that parochial hill
And surveyed the illusion before our eyes

And now in the twilight of our gathering lull
We flail our arms, grasping in the blindness
Like a forgotten fragment of a fitful dream —
“Where is the moksha that will make me whole?”

© Unni Nambiar (October 5th, 2022)



Uṇṇi Nambia̅r
Loose Words

“I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.” ― Mary Oliver