
for that one you can never resist

Deb Ewing
Loose Words
Jan 6, 2021


fishing fly & photo by Rob Coapman, Sound Visions Photography

once we were young
we were nymphs
we were dun
baby-fat tender oblique

maybe I looked like some bait for your hook
something the bigger fish seek

you circle again — I am sick of this game
always you lurk underwater

I don’t have a clue what I must mean to you
maybe your mother or daughter

. . . I should know better, I really know better
I should know better

a vacuum above but I’m choking below
my wings press against cohesion

I’ve given everything
surely you know
this is the end of my season

I spin & fall
for you

a mayfly on the wind



Deb Ewing
Loose Words

I am a U.S. writer, artist, and oracle. I drop my wisdom like a crystal bowl at your feet. See my art at: