Mirrors of the Lost Heart

Of our being

Paul Mulliner
Loose Words
2 min readNov 30, 2020


photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

Sometimes there’s sadness
as moments pass,
and our experience of life disappears forever
like bath steam fading
from the surface of a mirror.

Those moments
when something in your eyes
dissolved all separation,
needing no words
though nothing was left unsaid,
nothing was left unknown,
are moments
also gone forever,
moments of our life
passing through awareness
like swirling eddies
passing through the surface of a river
or streams of light
passing through
the prism of our being.

And our acceptance
of the transience of all experience
helps us find an enduring
inner center of awareness,
a point of focus within
the conscious space
inside us,
and know our sadness
is the sadness of life’s
separation from itself,
just the empty echoes
of a heart adrift
from its moorings
in the center of our being,
lost within the consciousness
inside all life.

When our sadness lifts,
dissolves and blows away
like clouds across a windy sky,
we may know again
that all of life is a journey with meaning
to a place where we can see more clearly,
and every moment offers us the chance
to anchor our heart
in the consciousness
holding the Universe together.

And as light shines through leaves
on nearby trees,
their branches are tracing ovals
in the wind-blown sky.



Paul Mulliner
Loose Words

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....