Of Torrents

A Poem

Christine Kelly
Loose Words


Photo by Colby Ray on Unsplash

A man of land, not sea
every day
feet planted upon terra firma
every night
sailing upon the azure seas
of his thoughts; each swell
bearing her name.

With whaleroad before him
and beneath a welter of stars,
he contemplated his bewitchment.
The softest inhale of brine
pushing and pulling memory
and longing
from where he’d stowed them.

The song of the sea could be found
in the curve of her hips, her smile,
and the nape of her neck. Her skin
tasting of the depths he knew abided
within her.

He imagined those fathoms,
of sinking further and further
beneath those waves.
Breath lost and found
in the spindrift and spume
and the ebullition he’d long held at bay
giving rise to a groundswell
of mutual surrender.

©2021 Christine Kelly



Christine Kelly
Loose Words

Writer, photographer, thalassophile. Lover of light and shadow, finder of lost things ~ "The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.” ~ Kate Chopin