paper boats

Deb Ewing
Loose Words
Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2020
Photo by Aidan Cheung on Unsplash

precepts have fallen
slow they spiral like errant feathers
dipping gently into rainbow
rippled oil-slick puddles
mad motor spit
into water huddled
where the asphalt sank
and everyone who said it all mattered
doesn’t even
I’m floating away

bereft of syllables
I push grass and gravel back
into my foxhole
that emptiness is too familiar
I don’t want it
devoid of unspoken
exchange of quantum
I return
to my poorly-filled den
seep gasoline between silt and root
set it on fire.

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Deb Ewing
Loose Words

I am a U.S. writer, artist, and oracle. I drop my wisdom like a crystal bowl at your feet. See my art at: