
A poem for those who’ve worked to let go

T.S. Narkissa Luna
Loose Words


I remember your words
Like snowflakes melting on my lips,
Casual and inedible,
Sour chills of how you made me feel.

An echoing of clatter
There was the blame you offered,
Whatever you had in,
Hadn’t worked even when I believed it.

The melt left a heated scar,
A look in the mirror
Never left without a chase to forget
As longing to haunt you was still natural.

It was the clutch of a dream;
A faraway peace of mind,
The ghostly path I’ve never seen,
The ocean your soul led me to.

No goodbyes were needed,
Since you lived in my memories
And the songs emanated us
And crying does nothing for we left us.


T.S. Narkissa Luna, 2020.



T.S. Narkissa Luna
Loose Words

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night.