
Swathi Raj
Loose Words
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2020

I see the sun dawn, day,
I see him set, night,
day and night, I move,
round and round.

I hear the wind, trees, birds,
I listen to men, women, children,
music and noise; sounds,
I float above them all.

I move in my world,
dipped in my jar of thoughts,
round and round.

I know the earth, the sun, and stars,
The inner workings of the universe
unravels to me, in math and science.

Here I stand, destined for greatness,
Am I not a genius for the ages?
Here I stand, surmounting life,
Am I not equal to the gods?

I owe the world its share,
I am grateful for her aid.
The poor need my hand,
nature begs the same.

The helpless are starving,
the floras and faunas are dying.
Man, canine, birds, beasts –
let me carry you all alongside,
I am here to serve you all.

I can hardly imagine (too scary a picture)
a world without my deeds.
Who will set the wrong’s right?
Who will light the beacon of hope?
Who will guard all moral values?
Who will fight for the best in man?

Follow my path, this flawless path.
Talk of me, study me, spread my words.
Allow my descendants to draw from me –
the rich wisdom in my words and thoughts.

When I die, build me a shrine,
and proclaim to the world,
the greatness of this soul.
Let me thus become a true immortal,
and be placed as one among the gods.



Swathi Raj
Loose Words

Trying to bridge the gap between my inner thoughts and outer expressions.