Member-only story
Swaying Trees
A poem
As we sit by the beach,
and the sun hangs in the sky,
a light breeze comes over
from the ocean,
firm but gentle,
enough to sway trees
The leaves in motion,
as they move back and forth,
take on the semblance of breathing,
respirations from the Earth,
or maybe it’s more of a sigh?
Perhaps, the beach enjoys us,
we humans and our settlement,
with blankets and baskets and brightly colored umbrellas,
providing good company as the waves roll in,
it’s lonely otherwise
Our damp clothes begin to dry,
as the sand sticks to our feet,
a feeling of warmth emanates from the ground,
just the right temperature
The sun has moved slightly westward,
shifting our shadows,
we’ve had our fun and are ready to go,
but think, not just yet,
we sit with the moment
and take a deep breath
Written by Eashan Kotha. Thank you for reading. Get notified when my next post is up on Medium via here.