The Unheard Sound

Of the garden

Paul Mulliner
Loose Words
Jul 26, 2020


woman looks at sunset
photo by Sander Crombach on Unsplash

Our thoughts can drift
like echoes of forgotten moments
lost in the wind,
or passing clouds
making shadows in our heart
on a summer day.

And when our thoughts dissolve
into the conscious silence
of the inward sky,
we find the spacious intelligence
of the inexpressible,
the hidden sound of the garden.

Like a song unheard by our ear
playing soundlessly
in an experiencing sky
at the heart of the Universe,
the intelligent presence
of the boundless
is living through all of us

It’s the unheard sound
known to lovers,
the hidden sound of the garden.

Paul Mulliner 2020

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Paul Mulliner
Loose Words

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....