The Peace In Acceptance

A poem

Megan Minutillo
Loose Words


Photo by Julien L on Unsplash

When our plans go awry,
and the things that we hoped for suddenly feel
far away,
or out of grasp,
or like a dream that has come and gone,
it can be hard to internalize that.

But there is peace in learning how to
take life as it comes,
in figuring out how to shift,
and adapt,
and go with the flow.

There is peace in knowing how to
roll with the punches,
and think on your feet,
and see the silver lining in the
most dire of situations.

There is peace in finding stillness
amongst the madness,
and the chaos,
and learning how to be present with
what’s in front of you.

There is peace in acceptance, too.

For when you can meet your stress,
and your sadness,
and your disappointment head-on,
when you can stare at your demons
without fear,
or avoidance,
or hesitation —
you’re able to figure out where you need to go,
and what you want to do,
and the thing that should happen next.



Megan Minutillo
Loose Words

Essayist, poet, and theatre producer. I write stories about self-awareness, IVF, and finding your footing in life’s messy moments. Instagram: @meganminutillo.