The Space

Between us

Paul Mulliner
Loose Words
1 min readNov 2, 2020


photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

As early morning wind blows
through nearby trees
and streaming, wispy cloud
hides and reveals the stars,
there’s no difference suddenly,
no boundary,
between inner and outer space,
and all consciousness
seems dissolved
into a single conscious space
that includes every star
and all of us.

We’re children
of a cosmic process,
woven from starlight
turning into biochemistry,
we’re born into
an evolving Universe
that’s experiencing life
at every scale,
and within every heart.

And like a flower unfolding
inside all of us
it’s awakening to itself,
in the whispered breath of love,
the synchronized dance
of neuro-signals in our brain,
and the smiling glance
of someone still unknown.

Like sound vibrations
forming shapes
of symmetry and beauty
in the surface of water,
or music becoming visible
as dynamic structures of light,
something inexpressible
throughout the Universe
is transforming itself
into living beings
and experiencing life.

And the light from stars
is in our eyes
and in our heart.

Paul Mulliner 2020

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Paul Mulliner
Loose Words

Writer and Designer based in London. Writing about intuition, consciousness ....