The Washing Machine

Blank Verse

Lubna Yusuf
Loose Words
Nov 13, 2020


Line Art Lubna Yusuf

The washing machine rumbles in quick wash mode
I pause my poetry for awhile
for things to be done, a day to go by

Plates, pots, pans sulk in the kitchen sink, staring in demand
The milk comes to a boil, I stir the bubbles
they rise, swell and spill out making a scene
The washing machine gives a loud tumble roar
Ants take a detour as I scrub off the warm milk stain from the counter
but it has seeped into the crevices of the cold marble,
where you had put me down and taken me
Gentle and wild at once
In sweet warmth of wet skin
Sugar grains on coarse salt

Soak, tremble, spin, and drain
With one last groan it is done
aloud beeped the washing machine
A perfect wash to my poetry



Lubna Yusuf
Loose Words

BOOKS: | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna