
Experimental Free Verse

Indira Reddy
Loose Words
Dec 23, 2020


Luck’s collaboration with Time
strews defining moments

acid rain dissolving
carefully crafted psyches

where there’s disassembly
there’s hope for renewal…
we pray so

everything crossed, cramping
from this unaccustomed contortion

bitter desperation, a yearning
to salvage something, anything
as proof that the past was worth it

fragile flesh though gives the lie,
melts away from grasping hands

keening with loss at the crossroads,
perchance to find consolation in memories,
more likely to leave that wound gaping

a constant dirge burdening the air
incessant pain demands full attention

life seeps out with every heaving breath
unnoticed, mistaken for a sob
’til the world itself seems friable

despair settles, a suffocating fur coat,
slowly head bows in resignation

too much was felt to feel anything again
blankness is the only refuge…
will there ever be light again?

© Indira Reddy 2020



Indira Reddy
Loose Words

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…