
A Poem

Jonathan Greene
Loose Words


Photo by Ahtziri Lagarde on Unsplash

My thoughts are so unruly
with their obsessiveness
and general bad timing
as if I didn’t have better
things to do overnight
than ruminate about
something that happened
a year ago, and didn’t even
matter all that much

And then by the very fact
that my thoughts are unruly,
it makes me mad at them,
or at me, conversely,
which is an odd game
to play of who is at fault
for this wild imagination
and heartfelt sentiment
tangled together with a
healthy dose of absurdity

Maybe it’s just the world
that is so obviously unruly
with its apoplectic nature
and high-strung personality
and penchant for details
of the most minute items
just to prove a point to
a random follower on
the flying carpet of the web



Jonathan Greene
Loose Words

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com