
A Poem

Jonathan Greene
Loose Words


Photo by Andrew Yu on Unsplash

It’s as if I have been uprooted
time and time again in my life
only to realize that I was the one
who intentionally uplifted us

Maybe I was in search of rebirth
or some other on/off switch
to recalibrate my operating system
and make me whole again

Or perhaps I was uprooted
when I lost her and lost him,
and lost others around them,
leaving me feeling alone

We moved, he moved, I move
to refresh a new window scene
and to have a new beginning,
but now I know the roots remain

In some ways, I will always be rooted
to who I was, who they saw me as
even though I was not who I am
and didn’t know who I would become

Maybe I’m not as uprooted as I think
since home is where you lay your head
and I choose to lay my head
where I will always have roots

© Jonathan Greene 2024

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Jonathan Greene
Loose Words

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com