Urban Lovesong

A free-verse poem

Jessica Lee McMillan
Loose Words


no longer striving,
you marry the fade,
you are the block with rag nail curbs,
ratty banners flailing lungs,
a song of alienation for a city rat,
drums an unsettling orange ballast
reflectors strobing vacancy,
drilling rain strokes into pitch,
overhead wire sluiced by cloud;
a washed-out telegram to outer space
drilling eyes back
a welcome warning
to let it fall apart
when it’s turned up wavering
and fraying in shrieks,
face remote in song, unstitching
taken by inertia storm,
giving in to the hangover
of this uninhabitable place

Inspired by Blur’s Trimm Trabb from the album 13.

Jessica Lee McMillan © 2021

