Various Whims

A poem to understand me

Eashan Kotha
Loose Words


A few floating thoughts
gently descend
pulled by gravity
guided by wind
into the forefront of my mind

a walk in the park with a friend
a bowl of ramen with a date
a night in the club with heart-pounding music
where you can hear the bass in your chest
all spontaneous events

As I walk, an impulse seizes me
calling me to turn left.
A less traveled path,
it throws off the rhythm
a perfect pattern interrupt

I happen across someone I’ve seen before,
but in a different context,
it’s quite striking to see them
almost anachronistic

After a formal introduction and pleasantries,
it seems I have made a new friend.
This seems to be my luck,
I hope this keeps to the very end.

An invite to a party,
happening later that night,
their parting gift to me.
It would not have happened this way
had I not turned left.

Driven by whim, and serendipity
If you understand that,
then you understand me
and the source of my vim.

Written by Eashan Kotha. If you enjoyed this, please consider reading another Loose Words poem, titled “Roam.”



Eashan Kotha
Loose Words

Neurobiology and film enthusiast. I love poetry too. Buy my book of haiku: