Who Will Teach the Birds To Sing?

A poem

Veronika Georgieva
Loose Words


You used to put your
right arm up to the sky
to examine what it feels like
to be one right arm’s length closer
to the moon,
because you needed
a distraction from
what was inside your head.
You didn’t know you sent
a light up to the sky,
so powerful
that you created
the first star.

You used to cry,
hidden in forests,
because you thought
it was forbidden
to cry hidden in hugs,
you didn’t know
your tears were never salty,
so they built
so slowly
the first lake;
you cried

You used to sing
up to the trees
to make them feel loved,
because you knew
how it feels to be unloved,
you didn’t know
you were the one
who taught
the birds how to sing.

