Why It’s Time to Give God a Break from Your Dating Life

Esther Fink
Loose Words
Published in
3 min read2 days ago

I’m giving God a break
from hearing me beg
for this and for that
who am I kidding. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I don’t ask for this
I don’t ask for that
It’s all about a man.

I’m giving God a break
from hearing me whine
and ask for divine 😇
guidance and grace
I mean I don’t ask for that at all.

I’m not being divine
or graceful you see
I just say

“hey God
it’s me
did you freaking forget
what I want to get?” ❓

I’m giving God a break
from hearing my prayers
of pretend honesty
I mean I say I’ll be good
and do as I should
if only He sends me
the one that would
be all that I want.

not too this
not too that
who am I kidding?
he better be
too this and too that
too rich and too tall
too funny too smart
too nice and too kind
faithful and divine
not too divine
I mean I want to have fun.

I’m giving God a break
not because I’m nice
and I know God is sick of my nagging
but because I’m sure He needs time
to get me what I want.

if I sit there and pray
He hears me all day
and if I keep Him so busy
He has no time
to run around
all over town
and lasso my man 🏇🏼
into my plan
and tie him down
with a hope and a vow. 💒

so that must be it!
my man is all ready
waiting on God
to tell him what to do
for God to catch him
and send him my way.

but by golly
there I am
ruining the plan
by piling up prayers
filling buckets with tears 😭
and fears
and unloading them all
on the doorstep of heaven
so God can’t even get out the door.

for goodness sakes
I better shut my mouth
and dry my tears
and cure my fears
and go about
living my life
as planned.

with fun in the sun
with friends and pals
again, and again
riding the rides
laughing the laughs
dressing the part
of the queen that I am
that takes time.

so I will do me
and let God do Him
no need to beg
or pray all day
it’s on its way

my man I mean
he’s coming to get me
and I’ll get him right back.

we’ll be on track
we’ll be happy
and pleased
that I left God alone
to do His thing
to match me a match
find me a find
rich and divine (not too divine)
right on time.

Get The Poetry Book volume #1 Am I Falling here



Esther Fink
Loose Words

#Writer #marketing #relationshipcoach #negotiator #copywriter #lifecoach #leadership #poet Estherfink.com